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So, this "World View" page was effectively my blog -- until I entered the world of social media, at which point Facebook became my platform of choice... So this page looks more like an archive. Poke around to find links to some great travel photos, and essays on various topics.



May 31st, 2010
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
El Arco, Cabo San Lucas

Cabo San Lucas is a lovely spot on the tip of the Baja Peninsula. We flew down and stayed six days there! Our hotel was THE closest to the official "Land's End": we could walk, including a couple of sandstone rock scrambles, from the Pacific side, where the waves were huge and too rough to swim in, to the Sea of Cortez, where there was a famous swimmable beach that most tourists went to only by boat. Further northeast, in town, was the main large beach where most people swam.

The town appears to be built solely around American tourism. It's a very remote location at the end of a long desert. We were told that the resorts use desalination plants to convert ocean water for their water. (The upside of that is that the water is safe to drink, unlike most of Mexico). I'm not sure how electricity for the area is generated. There are a HUGE number of enormous resort complexes along the coastline for miles. The whole place is a tourist trap, and prices were pretty inflated -- no cost savings like you would find traveling through rural areas -- but because it is such a huge boost for the region's economy, the place is protected and safe to walk around in. The locals, while a bit pushy in selling their wares and services, were friendly and seemed appreciative of the business Americans bring. I imagine some tips alone were a huge amount compared to the average wage in Mexico. We did go to some great restaurants -- fun with lively ambience -- and the seafood was amazing, especially the shrimp and lobster! :9 The Sea of Cortez is rich with marine life.

There is a large Marina in the middle of town, and watersports and fishing are a main attraction. We went snorkeling (by boat tour, to a beach away from the city), parasailing (making us unfortunately very nauseous!), and horseback riding, and I did some swimming at the famous Lover's Beach. It was the first time I had gone swimming in the ocean for at least ten years. The water is warm!

Cabo is beautiful place that is something to see. It is a great vacation spot for those wishing to kick it at a sunny, hot resort for a while, too. :)

View a slideshow of pictures here.

November 2nd, 2009
summer 2009 summary

Summer kicked off early in May with seeing the Dead at Shoreline & the Dead, the Allman Bros., and the Doobie Bros. at the Gorge Amphitheatre. That was the first time I had been to the Gorge! The bands were sounding great -- especially considering their age. =)

In June I threw a fun party with a partial reunion of the band Five. Here is an audio sample.

The next trip was to the incredible Rothbury festival in Michigan on July 4th weekend: 4 days of music in a rural setting, including the Dead, String Cheese Incident, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson, Zappa Plays Zappa, and most of the top national jambands. Over 30,000 people were there.

And of course, Phish at the Gorge -- almost 20 years after I first saw them in '89 -- sounding GREAT and pulling out rare old classics!

Outdoor excursions were pretty light this year, but we got some good hiking and camping in late in the summer: a hike along Cheeney Creek in the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness near Welches, and a long weekend of camping and exploring the Indian Heaven Wilderness in WA west of Mt Adams. We got some great rafting in on the Clackamas again too, and during the big 107-degree heat wave(!), I finally found relief on the beach in Astoria where it got below 70 (ahhh...). The last weekend of summer, I played a wedding at spectacular Smith Rock State Park and we explored the Bend area over the weekend.

June 18th, 2009
festival season 2009

2009 is shaping up to be quite a summer for us going to big shows:

  • the Dead at Shoreline
  • the Dead in the Gorge
  • Rothbury Festival with a huuuuge list of great bands
  • Phish at the Gorge (ticket acquisition pending)

Here are pictures and two short videos of the Dead at Shoreline and the Gorge.

I'm curious to check out the Emerg'n'see Fest and the Pickathon this year. We'll see. Maybe I can get in with some volunteering. :)

March 10th, 2009
Mother Nature and Father Greed have hit the wall

Here is an interesting article about the parallels of the current economic and environmental collapses.

Just as a few lonely economists warned us we were living beyond our financial means and overdrawing our financial assets, scientists are warning us that we�re living beyond our ecological means and overdrawing our natural assets,� argues Glenn Prickett, senior vice president at Conservation International. But, he cautioned, as environmentalists have pointed out: �Mother Nature doesn�t do bailouts.

January 13th, 2009

I'm finally on and exploring Facebook. (Honestly, the name Facebook made it sound unappealing...) I can immediately see that it is more social and interactive than MySpace. I also like the absence of flashy layouts and how that puts the emphasis on content. I'm seeing people increasingly direct their attentions to Facebook from MySpace.

Hit me up and write on my wall!

December 24th, 2008
an easy thing you can do to help the environment

If one wants to make a personal and effective sacrifice that would help tackle climate change, as well as greatly reduce their impact on the environment, people should have [at least] one meat-free day a week, according to the world's leading authority on global warming.

This is essentially why I stopped eating beef and pork 20 years ago: the environmental impact of the livestock industry is immense, on several fronts.

Diet change is important because of the huge greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental problems -- including habitat destruction -- associated with rearing cattle and other animals. Vast amounts of water, grains, and fuel are used in production.

The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are generated during the production of animal feeds, for example, while ruminants, particularly cows, emit methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than carbon dioxide.

Here's an article about it.

More about meat will be forthcoming.

December 10th, 2008
overview of the environmental movement's modern history, in brief

Read the article on for a concise overview of the waxing and waning of the environmental movement over the last 40 years.

October 12th, 2008
National Debt Clock runs out of numbers

A "National Debt Clock" in NYC recently run out of numbers as the national debt exceeded $10 TRILLION dollars. That's $10,000,000,000,000.

Below the figure of the total debt is the figure estimated for "Your Family's Share". It's currently over $86,000.

When people call us the richest country on the planet, it seems to me that this is not being considered.

Let's say you run up $500,000 on your credit card. It would LOOK like you have a great standard of living. What happens when you have to pay the bill? What's going to happen to our country? Interest on this debt alone will become a significant part of the budget, and that's not even paying it off any.

Whenever I hear rhetoric about "tax & spend liberals", I just want to hear someone say "well, that's better behavior than the borrow & spend neo-conservatives' sending the bill to our kids' generation and beyond". Absolutely shameful.

I'd like to see a freeze on any more borrowing. Mandatory balanced budgets.

Read the article about the National Debt Clock including public perception of it and the debt.

July 21st, 2008
Al Gore's challenge: 100% clean energy in 10 years

Al Gore issued the challenge for America to convert 100% of its energy sources to carbon-free sources in 10 years. Very bold -- and optimistic. Watch a video or read the transcript of his moving speech at the website, which is the hub for the We campaign, a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection, a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Al Gore. Go Al go! I wanna be part of the solution too!!!

July 14th, 2008
Obama's Energy Policy

The Sierra Club (and now myself) has officially endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President. Here's why.

Simply put, it's because we believe Obama shares our concerns, values and vision for a clean energy future. He agrees with us that it's not time for half steps, and that what America needs is bold, transformational action that will break the chokehold Big Oil has on our economy and Washington politics, and provide short-term relief for American families and long-term solutions for our energy and economy problems.

Highlights of Obama's Energy strategy include:

  • Providing Relief for families struggling to pay their energy bills. His plan is to provide families with a $1,000 tax credit and stimulus checks paid for by taxing the oil companies� record profits.
  • Investing $150 billion over the next ten years in alternative sources of energy -- wind and solar power, and advanced biofuels, in the commercialization of plug-in hybrid cars, and development a new digital electricity grid. This investment will create up to 5,000,000 good-paying jobs that cannot be outsourced and will create the billions in new economic activity that will America back on the path to prosperity.
  • Requiring 25% of U.S. electricity to come from renewable sources by 2025 and increases energy efficiency in the U.S. 50% by 2030
  • Attacking global warming. Obama has presented a bold and comprehensive plan for addressing global warming which includes a "cap and auction" system that would cut our carbon dioxide emissions 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.
  • Rejecting drilling as the answer to our energy woes. Obama knows that drilling off of our beaches and destroying our last special places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to pad Big Oil�s bottom line won�t do anything to lower gas prices today, tomorrow, or even a decade from now

To learn more about Senator Obama's Energy Plan, go to

Thanks for everything you do to protect the planet.

This content excerpted from a message from Carl Pope, President of the Sierra Club.

May 28th, 2008
preventing junk mail

If you are like me, you dislike junk mail. It's a waste of paper and ink, and it includes gross images of meat and crap.

So, instead of mindlessly recycling it as usual today, I looked into getting removed from the lists, and found that it was very easy to do. (Actually, they don't remove you but "suppress" mailings to you for a set period of time, so I'll have to do it again in 2-5 years...)

Next time you get the usual load of crap in the mail, consider looking up the sender online and request that they suppress mailings to you (often through their "Contact" page). It just involves a simple form which doesn't take long.

I went to and to remove two regularly-delivered junk bundles.

April 1st, 2008
new fuel technologies

I read about some new technologies which raise hope for our transition from the Fossil Fool Age:

  • Converting organic waste into oil: Thermal Conversion Process (TCP). This new technology takes organic agricultural wastes and converts it using heat and pressure into diesel and fertilizer. Amazingly, the process can run mostly on the fuel it creates. See the website of Changing World Technologies.
  • Algae as an energy source. Up to 50% of algae's weight is oil which can be used to make biodiesel usable as fuel for vehicles. Algae grows much more quickly than many plants and can be grown in artificial environments (unlike corn, for example). New methods have found much more efficient ways to grow algae. It's estimated that about 100,000 gallons of algae oil a year per acre can be produced, compared to about 30 gallons per acre from corn and 50 gallons from soybeans. Here's an article about it.

February 28th, 2008
1 in 100 Americans are behind bars

That's right. In the "land of the free", as of the start of 2008, 2,319,258 people -- more than 1% of the adult population -- are either in prison or jail. That's more than ever before, and a higher per-capita rate than any nation.

On average, the annual cost per prisoner was $23,876, states spend 6.8 percent of their general fund dollars on corrections, and Oregon had the highest spending rate, at 10.9 percent. Oregon is one of four states which now spend more on corrections than they do on higher education.

While one in 30 men between the ages of 20 and 34 is behind bars, for black males in that age group the figure is one in nine.

These facts were included in a report released Thursday by the Pew Center on the States. You can read the article on it found here.

February 26th, 2008
Rome gallery

Photos taken in Rome are finally online!

Okay, so it took me nine months to publish... It took a while to pick the best ones, and even after weeding out the majority, there are over 150 here!

Click here to open the gallery in a new window. Tip: click on "Slideshow" found on the right side of the page.

Additionally, photos of Siena and Chiusi were added to the Tuscany gallery.

February 7th, 2008
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

In the North Pacific is a "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" or "trash vortex" in which about 100 million tons of plastic are circulating, concentrated in a sort of "plastic soup". The area is TWICE the size as the continental United States(!).

The "Patch" is actually two linked areas, either side of the islands of Hawaii, known as the Western and Eastern Pacific Garbage Patches. About one-fifth of the junk � which includes everything from footballs and kayaks to Lego blocks and carrier bags � is thrown off ships or oil platforms. The rest comes from land.

While it is held somewhat in place by swirling underwater currents, it does move, sometimes close enough to the Hawaiian archipelago to result in "a beach covered with this confetti of plastic".

An oceanographer who has made the study of the patch his full-time occupation has said that it is set to double in size during the next 10 years, unless people reduce their use of unnecessary disposable plastics.

[Perhaps think about starting to use those reusable canvas bags?? I've been using them for at least 15 years, which has reduced my consumption by 1000s of bags... ]

Here's an article about it.

January 28th, 2008

It took me a long time to warm up to MySpace.

It was depressing to see it take over the online presence of the live music industry, especially as an aspiring web designer wanting to do live music industry web sites. Most bands, and even many music venues, have given up having a real website in favor of the ease of working with MySpace. And, um, cause it's free.

I eventually realized: I don't blame them. Web sites are expensive, labor-intensive, and often frustrating. And you don't really get the scope of outreach with website email lists, since most people won't get on them before they will become your MySpace "friend".

MySpace has a become an indispensible networking tool for musicians. And since many musicians are poor, MySpace offers a huge service by offering a free, customizable home on the web where they may showcase their music and announce shows.

I've hooked up with old friends through MySpace who probably wouldn't have found me otherwise.

It's been frustrating, since I have the link to my website (and little else) on my page, to have people write and say "are you still playing music?" or "where are you playing next?"

So. Real downsides are:

  • porny spammy fake friends
  • porny spammy ads
  • homogenization of online music culture
And some peeves:
  • MySpace does not make it clear at all when signing up for an account that an artist's account is different from a regular account. I know several musicians who have signed up for a regular account without knowing and then found that they couldn't post music.
  • Bulletin-happy people. Please, do not post several bulletins in a day and fill up my bulletin board. I am tempted to remove you from my friends. I do not want to read that you are bored. Wait until you have something to say. And consider putting it in your blog instead.

Having said that...please, if you're not my friend already, visit my MySpace page and become my friend!!! =P

August 1st, 2007
Tuscany gallery

Check out the first batch of photos from Italy.

June 19th, 2007
Oregon is going smoke-free!!!! FINALLY!!!

Starting January 2009, smoking will no longer be allowed in bars!!!

The Oregon Legislature and Governor quietly passed this into law last week!

It's interesting that a ballot measure was not required...I thought it was going to come down to that, along with a big public debate.

Read the press release here.

For me, this is the best news I've heard in a long time.

January 2009 is going to be a good month: making history both reeky smoke-filled rooms and the reeky corrupt Bush Administration.

May 24th, 2007
Italy galleries and stories coming soon

Check back soon for fabulous pictures and stories!

March 19th, 2007
gallery of photos from the peace rally and march

Don't believe the media's coverage of the peace march on March 18th. It was a mostly peaceful march of thousands of people showcasing a lot of nuggets of wisdom. The media thinks that they can create a more entertaining "news product" by covering the few bad apples who engage the cops. Sadly, coverage of the messages from the protests gets neglected.

Have a look at my photos of the event. Click on the link below.

Try the slideshow feature when you get there.

January 18th, 2007
Googling "miserable failure"

A coordinated effort had many people link to the White House using the text "miserable failure". This made search engines rank the White House first when one searches for "miserable failure". Try the Google search below:

Pretty funny!

Now if only their failure caused their own misery instead of most everyone else's...

December 20th, 2006

I love comics and cartoons.

I read Doonesbury religiously. Garry Trudeau really knows how to stick it to the man.

I subscribe to Funny Times, a collection of lefty political cartoons. It's helped me to keep my sanity these last few years, (although sometimes a cartoon illustrates the insanity of a situation better than language alone could).

Other favorite cartoons, political or otherwise:

September 20th, 2006
awesome summer
I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I definitely did. Here are a few of the highlights:
  • Playing at and enjoying the Summer Meltdown in Darrington, Washington. WOW! What a great festival: so many great bands and acts! And what an incredible venue: just a few miles away are these mountains which shoot up over a mile of elevation! Thank you, Flowmotion, for producing such a fantastic event. I'll be there next year.
  • Swimming and rafting on the Clackamas River. McIver Park is a great place to swim: it has these cool rock shelves which reach out into the river, then drop off into deep water.
  • Camping on Mount Hood. Miki and I explored some great trails in the depths of the forest. I awoke one morning to the sound of a tree falling in the woods (it DOES make a sound!), apparently naturally. Take the drive between Mount Hood and Hood River, too, and stop at Panorama Park just south of Hood River.
  • Hiking on Cape Lookout on the Coast. South of Tillamook, this is a peninsula which juts out a mile or so into the ocean at a high altitude. The trail is really windy with a lot of character, and it traverses along cliffs on BOTH sides of the peninsula, offering SPECTACULAR views up and down the coast (see photo).

July 12th, 2006
sustainablility of seafood

I'm no longer a vegetarian and enjoy seafood, but I'm concerned about the state of the world's oceans and waterways. I started carrying a wallet-sized guide to the sustainability of different types of seafood, based on how environmentally-friendly the fishing practices are and the current levels of species. When I go to restaurants, I refer to this when making choices about what seafood is okay to order.

The guide is produced by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Look for the link to the printer-friendly version.

Even restaurants like the Corbett Fish House in SW Portland are following this guide. It's good to sea. ;-)

Do your part to protect the world's oceans!

May 2nd, 2006
Keeping Conscious & Staying Grounded In A Busy World

I found the following somewhere and thought that it was pretty cool. Enjoy!

Keeping Conscious & Staying Grounded In A Busy World
  • Live simply and live deliberately. By choosing not to get caught up in the details of this fast-paced world, you are doing your part to slow down the world. You will also discover that you have more time to enjoy being alive.
  • Stay in touch with yourself. Soul-searching, meditation, and journaling are just a few of the many activities you can take part in to stay aware and learn as much as you can about your emotions, reactions, likes, dislikes, dreams, and fears. Having a solid sense of self gives you a firm foundation for living in this world.
  • Support or teach others as often as you can. This can help you form connections with people while also giving you an opportunity to make the world a better place.
  • Consciously choose what you will allow into your being. The media bombards us with visions of hate, war, and pain. Be judicious about what you read, watch, and listen to.
  • Acknowledge the beauty that resides around you. Whether you live in a sprawling metropolis or a stereotypical suburb, there are natural and man-made wonders just waiting to be discovered by you.
  • Nurture your ties to your tribe. If you don't have one, create a community that you can belong to. Modern life can be isolating. When you have a tribe, you have a circle that you are a part of. Its members - loved ones, friends, or neighbors - can be a source of support, caring, guidance, and companionship.
  • See the larger picture. Remember that the way that you choose to live is not the only way to live. Widen your perspective by exploring other modes of being through research, travel, and discussion.
  • Embrace the challenges that life presents to you, and challenge yourself often. After a time, even the most exciting jobs or lifestyles can seem routine. Never stop assimilating new knowledge about whatever you are doing, and your life will never seem dull.
  • Move your body. In this busy world, it can be easy to live a sedentary life. Movement reacquaints us with our bodies and connects us to the earth in a visceral way. It also restores our vitality.
  • Make time for stillness, silence, and solitude. The world can be noisy, and we are subject to all kinds of noises nearly every waking hour. We are also often "on the go" and unable to relax. Being alone in a peaceful place and making time for quiet can help you stay in touch with yourself.

March 31st, 2006
House Budget resolution analysis


This analysis finds that the House Budget Committee's budget plan is harsher than the Senate plan in several respects. The House plan would cut funding for domestic �discretionary� (or non-entitlement) programs by $8.8 billion in fiscal year 2007 and $169 billion over five years, relative to CBO's current-services baseline. The plan also would reduce entitlement programs by $5.1 billion over five years.

The savings from these program reductions would not, however, be used for deficit reduction. They would instead be used to offset a portion of the cost of the budget plan�s $228 billion in tax cuts, as well as its defense spending increases. The net result would be significant further increases in the deficit. The plan would increase the deficit over the next five years by $256 billion above what deficits would be if current policy was left unchanged.

For more information, see the full article on the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities web site.

February 17th, 2006
wealth disparity
  • Top executives now make more in a day than the average worker makes in a year.
  • Of the world's 100 largest economies, 47 are nations, and 53 are corporations.
  • Seventy-five percent of major corporations hire a union-busting firm to stop employees from forming a union.
  • In 1999, the 225 richest had a combined wealth of $1 trillion. That's equal to the combined annual income of the world's 2.5 billion poorest people.
  • The richest 10 percent of the world's population receives 49.6 percent of the total world income.
  • The bottom 60 percent receives 13.9 percent of the world's income.
  • The wealth of the world's three most well-to-do individuals now exceeds the combined gross domestic product of the 48 least developed countries.
  • Half of the world's population of six billion live on less than $2 a day, while 1.3 billion get by on less than $1 a day.
excerpted from Economic Apartheid in America: A Primer on Economic Inequality & Insecurity and The Wealth Inequality Reader by way of an email from Ralph Nader

February 2nd, 2006
State of the Union 2006: By the Numbers

Check out this interesting collection of statistics about the current state of affairs:

State of the Union 2006: By the Numbers (click here)

Here are a few excerpts:
  • Average increase in profits for oil companies in third quarter of 2005: +69 percent
  • Amount of subsidies provided to oil industry in 2005 energy bill: $6 billion
  • Percentage of companies that provided health care to their employees in 2000: 69 percent
  • Percentage of companies that provided health care to their employees in 2005: 60 percent
  • Number of additional Americans without health insurance since 2000: 6,000,000
  • Average increase in yearly tuition costs for public university students since 2000: +$3,962
Compiled by the Campaign for America's Future.

January 30th, 2006
big oil's big profits

This morning oil giant ExxonMobil announced its record-breaking profits for 2005 to the public -- $36.13 billion! That is the largest profit made over one year ever recorded by any corporation in America.

Despite its enormous profits, ExxonMobil still refuses to act responsibly. Its policies include:
  • Active support of drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge;
  • Efforts to block meaningful action to cut global warming pollution and the funding of junk science to hide the real facts about global warming;
  • The conscious decision to forgo investment in clean energy solutions; and
  • The failure to pay all of the punitive damages awarded to fishermen and others injured by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.

In response, the campaign has created a short, funny video lampooning Exxon's unfortunate combination of huge profits and tiny social conscience.

Click the link below to check it out:
This web site also gives you an easy way to speak your mind on this issue via email to the powers that be.

December 25th, 2005
Southeast Portland
I feel so lucky to reside in the beautiful bubble which is close-in southeast Portland, Oregon. Full of eccentric artists, passionate lefty activists, and quirky culture, and highly livable-in without a car, it seems like the place for me. I take it for granted too much: I've lived here for years, and haven't spent much time away, so when friends and relatives visit, they remind me of the specialness of this place.

I may not live here for the rest of my life (though I don't know where could be better), but I am happy here now. Sure, the weather is a drag sometimes, but with good friends and a lifestyle rich with cultural expierences, it's worth it.

Now, if we could only secede...

November 28th, 2005
For me, the presence of cigarettes is by far the worst thing to have to deal with about the Portland music scene.

I can't tell you how many times, at the end of a night, stinking and wheezing, I've told myself: "That's it! I'm moving to California!" I never followed up on that one, but it may come to that still.

It was wonderful news about Washington's recent vote to ban smoking in all public places (effective Dec. 8, 2005). So now, California, Washington, Eugene and Corvallis are nonsmoking...but not Portland. I applaud some clubs' efforts to go nonsmoking (Berbati's, Doug Fir) or restrict smoking (the Goodfoot, the Blue Monk, Jimmy Mak's). I don't believe it's enough though.

Many of my friends are smokers. To them, I ask for their patience in accepting this situation. In all fairness, I should not have to die young of lung cancer as a result of being a working musician.

To those who say that it would hurt the scene because so many patrons smoke, I say: a high percentage of club patrons are smokers because nonsmokers won't frickin' go there. Studies have shown that after an initial adjustment period, business actually improves after a smoking ban.

In the meantime, you can find a list of nonsmoking establishments in Portland at's Portland page.

October 1st, 2005

Just renewed my membership to KBOO, the coolest radio station in the known universe. It's pledge drive now -- consider becoming a member! I'll miss the $40, but it is vitally important to me. In this age of media consolidation into the hands of a few giant corporations who control what news information (or lies) you get and what music you are exposed to, resources like KBOO are crucially important.

It's been a great honor of mine to get to perform live on the air three times.

Tune in often [90.7FM]. Because of its diversity, you won't like everything you hear, but there are many wonderful shows that play stuff you won't hear anywhere else.

August 28th, 2005
Impeach the bastards for their crimes against humanity and the world!
One good thing about Bush's re-election: it gave us time to impeach the lot.

Check out this grassroots campaign I discovered: "the world can't wait". Download their document "the call". Looks like November 2nd will be an interesting day.

Also try this Google search for "impeach Bush"!

August 28th, 2005
I don't smoke pot anymore (no -- really!), but I feel that it should be legalized -- for reasons including these:
  • people should not be deprived of their freedom for either practicing their constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness (as long as it hurts no one else) or for easing their suffering from disease;
  • the enforcement of these laws, including incarceration, is a huge waste of tax dollars;
  • by regulating and taxing the sale of marijuana, much revenue would be created which could be used to address more serious issues of drug addiction and mental illness;
  • hemp is a miracle plant which has many uses and offers an environmentally friendly alternative to petroleum and tree-based products. Hmm...d'ya think that that's why it was made illegal in the first place?
Check out NORML and the MPP, organizations working to reform marijuana laws, and this hemp facts page.

At the same time, I see that our culture's preoccupation with marijuana hurts the music scene for reasons including these:

  • people would rather spend their last $50 on a bag of weed rather than go to a few shows;
  • pot makes people antisocial;
  • pot makes most people lazy.
So, how about putting down the bong and going out to my show tonight? ;-P

August 28th, 2005
Getting around
I've never owned a car.

I walk, bike, or take Tri-met whenever possible. Portland's pretty set up for alternative transportation. Check out Tri-met's website. Their "trip planner" feature is pretty sweet: just type in where you are, where you're going, and when you want to depart or arrive, and it gives you different options.

Sure, I don't get out of town much for recreation, and I have to bum rides for all my gigs, but I'm saved a lot of expense and stress. Eventually I may use Flexcar, a great new car-sharing service, or get a hybrid or biodiesel vehicle.

I used to lament all the driving centered around touring with the Dead & Phish. I've not done much touring myself, and though I hope to do some soon, I'm not sure how psyched I'd be doing it full time. Some bands are doing it now with biodiesel buses -- vegetable-oil-powered!

Portland, I read recently, is one of the only cities that has actually reduced greenhouse emissions, to levels seen in the '80s.

July 26th, 2005
Energy bill

Read a breakdown of numbers regarding the energy bill currently making its way through Congress. Brace yourself -- it's maddening.

Click here.

March 16th, 2005
How your money will be spent -- or not

Cuts for education, environmental programs, and health care for poor people, but tax cuts for the rich and increases in defense spending. Larger budget deficits. Drilling for oil in the Wildlife Refuge. Welcome to the manifestations of Republican "moral values" as reflected in the 2006 budget.

Have a look at the breakdown on the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities site.

March 15th, 2005
Environmental injustices
Stay informed about the latest outrageous attacks on the natural world -- your water, air, and land -- by the blinded-by-greed Bush Administration. The Sierra Club's W Watch gives a good overview.
March 14th, 2005
Help stop Bush�s fake news broadcasts

The Bush administration is using your tax money to produce pre-packaged, ready-to-serve television news segments promoting the president�s policies. Join thousands of people like me who are telling Congress, the FCC and local broadcasters to stop government propaganda. It only takes a few moments to send this important message.


February 8th, 2005
check back soon
Soon there will be rants in here as well as raves. Prose and poetry. Hopes and dreams. Probably stuff that you didn't know that you wanted to know about me.
January 22nd, 2005
Deep thoughts
You know what I was thinking about the other day? Maybe I'll tell you about it sometime...